Mancing Mania

A Bad Day Fishing Is Better Than A Good Day At Work

Senin, 20 September 2010

Freshwater Fishing Season

How to determine the effect the right season for fishing activities in lakes, reservoirs, wetlands and other public waters?
In the glossary of fisheries, public waters known term, namely aquatic ecosystem in the form of lakes, swamps, reservoirs and rivers. public waters of this term to distinguish the marine waters, along the mania called fish in public waters by fishing ground, a "heretical" happened a long time, how can fishing in the land why?, not in water. So important is the value of the ecosystem where the water contains no salt at all. The study of inland water ecosystems are Limnology. Here is a small part of Limnology knowledge about the changing seasons and the impact on fishing activities.

On a lake or marsh turnover process or inevitable process at the lake where the water layer switching, In general, during the dry season, fish tend to be under the water layer.layered downward and below the water upward. This process is always the case because of the changing seasons, where the rainy season and dry season caused the lake water temperature differences. Summer drought causes the top layer of lake water is warm. Bottom layer of cold and oxygen poor. Because these fish require higher oxygen dissolved in water, the fish would be in the middle or in part on the surface of the lake water. In the middle area is called thermo Cline.

In contrast to the rainy season, fish tend to be located on the surfacewater tends to cool the surface so that more oxygen dissolved in water than in the bottom of the lake is warm. Lots of fish on the surface compared with the likely bottom of the lake.

in each species of fish have different capacities to live at temperatures that varied to live. Although sometimes the fish can not find the right temperature for their lives, but usually the fish can be found in the temperature range tolerated for life. By combining knowledge of the lake water temperature, so that anglers can fish dibadan predicts no top or bottom of the water in the dry season and rainy season based on enlightenment. Fish such as warm water will be on the surface during the dry season and at the base during the wet season. And vice versa for a smaller fish on the water cooler.

The water temperature is too hot to make the fish in lakes, swamps and reservoirs will stop searching for food, their energy is used only to stabilize the body's metabolism. Fish do not like warm-blooded mammals, but including a cold-blooded, which means they can not maintain a constant body temperature under conditions when the temperature outside is too digin or heat. Appetite so that in summer daytime fish will naturally fall, fishing was so good in the morning and afternoon.
Extreme temperatures will affect the metabolism of fish that will also work mempegaruhi organ function. Temperature around the water is too hot or too cold will reduce the oxygen dissolved in the water so the fish become inactive. Have a look when you're fishing and plenty of fish in one place, but there are no people who eat fish bait by which we give? , That means that energy is only used to stabilize the self-Karen

sunshine certainly cause the temperature of the lake or swamp water is warm, like enlightenment above. At the time the morning sun began to warm lake water, warm water creates conditions that attract fish to feeding activity (eating). Bottom of a lake or swamp, dark and warm water belumpur faster than the bottom of the lake brightly colored, like white sand or the basic structure of the limestone / lime. More fish warm or hot by late morning, then going down to the position of cold water. This morning when explaining why many fish seen and not seen again by late morning or deserted from the hordes of fish.

the wind is very influential on the success of anglers on the lake / reservoir. The wind carried particles or plankton nutrients to an area where the wind was blowing. So, when there is wind and you're fishing at the lake, usually small fish as well go with the wind because the pursuit of plankton and nutrients (nutrients), and large fish also follow the movements of small fish.

fish follow the wind causes the wind direction
When the wind direction landward from the edge of the lake, find a cape (of land that jutted into the lake) and mantle mancinglah at the end as shown below. Since the fish are waiting in front of a lot of nutrition in robes.

When the wind towards the shore, waiting for fish nutrition at the end of the promontory
Storms, Rain, and Cloudy Sky Sometimes when we are busy fishing in the lake, we often find the overcast and rain often there are sudden storms and lightning. How is this condition fishing?. Storms and weather changes that often affect the success of fishing, sometimes bad results, sometimes vice versa. Clouds that come with sudden certainly cause the sun was shining on the water surface so constrained. This causes the fish are more aggressive in seeking food, so when the clouds come fishing experience better outcomes than when burning in the afternoon or evening. Light rain or drizzle is a good time for fishing in public waters for anglers or angler shadow hide the boat, besides the smell of rain water for washing hands is also contained in the bait anglers who will be avoided by fish.

Drizzling Rain caused a lot of fish in surface water during heavy rains, but time was not right for fishing because of heavy rain made the water turbid so it is more difficult to find your bait fish. Similarly, water flooding (muddy) usually cause fish gills become covered with mud, so that the sensitivity in the search for food becomes a little